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Alliance Preservation Awards

The Alliance Area Preservation Society's Preservation Award honors noteworthy preservation projects in the greater Alliance area. These awards are an opportunity for the Society to recognize the efforts of property owners and the often heroic work they perform in preserving the historic and architectural resources in our area. The awards also encourage historic preservation and acknowledge that good preservation can be found in the restoration of the most modest residence to the grandest mansion. 

2019-20 Preservation Award Recipients:


205 South Arch Avenue
Built in 1907

This American Foursquare house has a steep hipped roof, punctuated by large dormer windows on the east, south and north sides with Ionic column trim. The front dormer has a tripartite window extenuated by a jutting window underneath on the second floor. The original wood cladding is covered with cream colored siding and white trim. A gabled, columned porch extends across the front façade. The first residents were Col. William W. King and his wife Catherine. Col. King was listed as the county recorder in 1904 but was retired by 1911. Catherine occupied the home as a widow until approximately 1928. 

Colonel King's home was built in 1907
The City Savings Bank /Newsom Tower
Built 1925

The Commercial Building winner is Downtown Alliance’s tallest building, Newsome Tower. It is now owned by the Alpha-Alliance Housing Corporation and serving as senior apartments began as the City Savings Building. It is listed on the National Register of Historic Places and recently received a complete renovation at a cost of eight million dollars.

The City Savings Bank is the tallest building in Downtown Alliance
The Devine Home is an exceptional example of Richardsonian Romanesque architecture
This grand Italianate home sits across from Alliance's favorite gathering place, Silver Park
The Christ United Methodist Church has a rotating cross on it's steeple
What was once a Mid-Century Modern bank is now the country's only feline museum
Colonel King's home was built in 1907


Freedom Seekers

& Abolitionists!

Haines House Underground Railroad Museum
P. O. Box 2738, 186 West Market Street
Alliance, OH 44601

Tel: 330-356-8786

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